Upcoming Events
Men's Breakfast
Men! Join us every second Saturday for a short teaching, discussion, and prayer time.
16-Week Study of the Foundations of the Christian Faith. Sunday School from January 15-May 21. $15 for the materials.
Midweek Men's and Women's Studies
Men's and Women's Ministries kicking off on January 25th. Men will be using "Disciplines of a Godly Man" and women will be using "Disciplines of a Godly Woman." Come out, be encouraged, and grow with one another. Childcare will be provided.
Baptism Sunday
Baptism is obeying the command of Christ and making one's faith public. If you are interested in being baptized, we will have a baptism class right after service on April 30th.
Please email info@fairmountbiblechurch.com with any questions.
Parent Movie Night
Parents are in uncharted waters. Our goal is to help parents gain more understanding regarding social media. Sign up here if you are interested